FOR MONTHLY GRP® RESTORE: Use a clean damp cloth ensuring all excess water is removed. Pump foam from GRP Restore onto the damp cloth, apply pressure while wiping down the top surface of your mat. Use between two to four pumps of restorative solution for each application. Repeat this process until the entire mat surface is covered. Rinse the cloth thoroughly to remove any residue of the foam and then wipe down the mat surface with a damp cloth using clean water. Hang mat to dry before rolling and storing. Please note that this should not be used as a daily cleaner.
FOR DAILY GRP® REFRESH: Use Manduka's mat wash & refresh
*NOTE that the Botanical Cleaner should not be used on the GRP® Series (open-cell) mats.
FOR DAILY GRP® REFRESH: Use Manduka's mat wash & refresh
*NOTE that the Botanical Cleaner should not be used on the GRP® Series (open-cell) mats.