Yoga Student carrying her yoga mat
Eco Yoga Store
Home of the world's leading yoga mats and props

Eco Yoga Store offers an exceptional range of yoga mats, props, and accessories, both retail and wholesale, with something for everyone's budget.

Tanks, Bras, Tees, Shorts, Leggings, Hoodies

We're excited to introduce Manduka's newest line of yoga clothing, where performance and sustainability are intertwined.

Two ladies on their yoga mats in the studio
Which Yoga Mat is Right for Me?
There is an overwhelming array of yoga mats out there and it really is hard to know which is best.
Find the right mat
Kapok filling inside a bolster
What's the best bolster filling?
After 10+ years of trying all sorts of bolster fillings we discovered 100% natural kapok is by far the best. It's clean, odourless and lightweight.
Read More Shop Bolsters
Improving your grip
Without having to buy a new yoga mat here are the latest products to
hit the yoga scene for grip!
Shop Grip
Unmatched Performance, Unparalleled Support

Manduka PRO

The #1 Teacher Recommended yoga mat.

Flow through your practice with stability and support in every pose.

A lifetime mat for a lifetime of practice.

Our Mission

To bring outstanding yoga mats, bolsters and props to the yoga communities of New Zealand and Australia.


Making sustainability as important as fit and function when selecting our products. To respect and care for the planet.


Strive to deliver exceptional customer service, being honest and open, and operating with integrity and sensitivity.


Supporting the communities we operate in, donating products, time and money, when and where we can.

Aerial Yoga Swing in use

Eco Yoga Store

Everything for your Yoga practice

From mats, props, accessories, and everything in between, delivered direct to your door.